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 VOIVOD- Discography

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Transmaniacon MC

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PostSubject: VOIVOD- Discography   VOIVOD- Discography I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 7:30 pm

The exquisite anamoly that would become Voivod was originally formed in 1981 when the already adept Denis D'Amour (Piggy) began searching for musicans to play with. The first major dude he found was Jean-Yves Theirault (Blacky) who agreed to play bass, but also had never played an instrument before, so Piggy took him under his wing. Blacky would later hire Michel Langevin (Away), an old friend from high school, to be the drummer as well as contribute his artwork and postmodern concepts. As a trio, they set out to make their own barrage of noise and alter the future. Unfortunately, the plane hit the mountain before it got too far off the ground, according to Away "everything went wrong because we couldn't play. Piggy was the only true musician". For Blacky and Away to hone their skills, Voivod would take a full year off, eventually reforming in 1982. By January of '83 Denis Belanger (Snake) was hired on vocals, and the futuristic warriors were complete. They would play their first show on June 25th, 1983, which was recorded and released as the Anachronism demo.

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Anachronism (Demo 1983)

Black Metal (Venom)
Struck By Lightning (Tank)
Eye Of The Storm (Sweet Savage)
Angel Dust (Venom)
Ace Of Spades (Motorhead)
Witching Hour (Venom)
Chainsaw (Raven)
Condemned To The Gallows
Rapid Fire (Judas Priest)
Heart Of Stone (Motorhead)
Leave Me In Hell (Venom)

Treason (A II Z)
Killing Time (Sweet Savage)
Stay Clean (Motorhead)
Welcome To Hell (Venom)
Steeler (Judas Priest)
Gunslinger (Budgie)
Stone Dead Forever (Motorhead)

Voivod's first demo is probably what a nuclear explosion would sound like. Heavy, explosive, but oh so noisy and dirty as fuck. Despite the production problems (ok really, it's non-existent, someone obviously just sat a tape recorder on the stage) this is a banger of a demo. It sounds like Venom smoked some dust and actually learned how to play their instruments. The cover selection (though it sticks mainly to Motorhead and Venom, aside from a few awesome NWOBHM surprises) is really good here, the crazy warrior gods obviously took their time practicing 'em and nothing sounds out of place. Piggy's obviously a great guitar already at this stage, if the covers aren't proof enough (the drum/guitar interplay during Gunslinger is very noteworthy), just check out the solos in the couple originals! Blacky's bass has a pretty good burp going too, despite the shitty demo sound, Snakes vocals are unfortunately lost alot of the time in the mix but Aways thunder is always there to bring it all together. Bad sound or not, you could tell Voivod was something totally different and meant business though. As good as the show is, I'd really only mention this to pick up to completeists because of said sound issues, but everyone should hear it at least once.

Snake: throat, scream, insults, mike torture & weapon operator
Piggy: burning metal-axe, electro- motive force & tremolition
Blacky: blower bass, pyromania and shit
Away: thunder and death machine, horror and visions
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PostSubject: Re: VOIVOD- Discography   VOIVOD- Discography I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 9:29 am

Wow!!!! You are going waaaaaaaaaaay back!!!! I am looking forward to this thread
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Cagey Cretin

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PostSubject: Re: VOIVOD- Discography   VOIVOD- Discography I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 05, 2011 11:56 pm

I gotta get this demo, I'm hoping you continue this thread when you have the time. I really dig Voivod but don't own much so I'd really benefit from this thread.
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Transmaniacon MC

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PostSubject: Re: VOIVOD- Discography   VOIVOD- Discography I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 9:30 pm

I will eventually haha. Right now I'm still trying to finish the review for Thirteen. Work keeps me on my toes.
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PostSubject: Re: VOIVOD- Discography   VOIVOD- Discography I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 2:05 pm

Cool!!! I be readin' this!!!!!
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Smug Prick

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PostSubject: Re: VOIVOD- Discography   VOIVOD- Discography I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 2:07 pm

chewie wrote:
Cool!!! I be readin' this!!!!!

in 2015. Wink
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Posts : 1903
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PostSubject: Re: VOIVOD- Discography   VOIVOD- Discography I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 2:09 pm

SpectreFate wrote:
chewie wrote:
Cool!!! I be readin' this!!!!!

in 2015. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: VOIVOD- Discography   VOIVOD- Discography I_icon_minitime

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