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 new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine

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The Subhuman

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new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine Empty
PostSubject: new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine   new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 2:20 pm

new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine 51R-XeU2MVL._SL500_AA300_

The new concert features "Moving Pictures" performed live in it's entirety which is enough to make me pick it up. I love the way Rush sounds in concert and I've bought ALL of their VHS and DVD releases over the years because I revisit them often.

Looking forward to this one. Here is the setlist:

Intro Video (The 'Real' History of Rush Episode No. 2 "Don't Be Rash")
"The Spirit of Radio"
"Time Stand Still"
"Stick It Out"
"Workin' Them Angels"
"Leave That Thing Alone"
"BU2B (Brought Up To Believe)" (from Clockwork Angels)
Second Set Intro Video (The 'Real' History of Rush Episode No. 17 "...and Rock and Roll is my name.")
"Tom Sawyer"
"Red Barchetta"
"The Camera Eye"
"Witch Hunt"
"Vital Signs"
"Caravan" (from Clockwork Angels)
"Moto Perpetuo/Love For Sale" (Drum Solo)
"O'Malley's Break"/"Closer To The Heart" (with alternate outro)
I: Overture
II: The Temples of Syrinx
"Far Cry"
"La Villa Strangiato" (with polka intro)
"Working Man" (with reggae intro)
"Cygnus X-1: Book I" teaser
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Cagey Cretin

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new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine Empty
PostSubject: Re: new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine   new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 4:14 pm

Sounds great! I'll pick this up as well...
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new RUSH CD/DVD/Blu-Ray on the way...Time Machine
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