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Transmaniacon MC

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PostSubject: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 5:07 pm

Ok, I know none of you guys here are really fans of extreme metal, but screw it these guys need a thread. But for me, they were another band I got heavily into early on. At the time, it was the heaviest most aggressive thing I'd ever heard. Killer riffs and crushing beats galore. So behold, the band that defined grindcore:

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Transmaniacon MC

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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 5:20 pm

This was cool to see, had no idea Dorrian guested with them at Hellfest.
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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 7:17 pm

I love extreme metal (except Black Metal), but this is just a band that I'd heard of before, but not actually heard.

I don't have the time to listen to those clips, but when I get the time I'll give it a whirl.
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Cagey Cretin

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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 7:26 pm

I love Extreme Metal except Black Metal, I first heard ND in about '87-'88 when Scum came out and dug 'em ever since.
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Fat Freddy
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Fat Freddy

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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 8:51 pm


I was never a huge N.D. fan but my brother was HUGE on'em when we were growing up so I have a pretty good working knowledge of their first five or six records.

I will never forget when he brought SCUM home from the record store around '87 or so - I can honestly say I had NEVER heard ANYTHING ilke it before in my life. Haha. I swear when he first put that LP on the stereo, I thought something had gone horribly wrong with the turntable. Then I was like "You mean, it's supposed to sound like that?" Haha.

I always enjoy reading interviews with members of this band (particularly Barney Greenway) too. They seem like pretty cool, well informed dudes.
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Transmaniacon MC

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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 11:29 pm

Fat Freddy wrote:

I was never a huge N.D. fan but my brother was HUGE on'em when we were growing up so I have a pretty good working knowledge of their first five or six records.

I will never forget when he brought SCUM home from the record store around '87 or so - I can honestly say I had NEVER heard ANYTHING ilke it before in my life. Haha. I swear when he first put that LP on the stereo, I thought something had gone horribly wrong with the turntable. Then I was like "You mean, it's supposed to sound like that?" Haha.

I always enjoy reading interviews with members of this band (particularly Barney Greenway) too. They seem like pretty cool, well informed dudes.

The first 5 or 6 are my personal favorites. I was a couple years behind your brother on 'em. But SCUM was also the first one I bought along with Harmony Corruption and my mother had quite a similar reaction. She was pissed at first because she thought I blew another pair of speakers. Then she couldn't seem to grasp the fact that someone would actually TRY to sound like that lol!

But, much like you mentioned before with Metallica, Keith. I had a long period where I didn't wanna know nothin' but Napalm Death. Yeah, they always did great interviews, they were my favorite part of the Grindcore special.
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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 7:11 am

Napalm Death were pretty cool, I never got into them myself but I had friends back in high school who used to jam them a lot, that was in the early 90s and I haven't heard them since. I think they just were just too extreme for me, it's like shoving metal objects into your skull and headbanging till you bleed out your ears. I need to give these guys a second spin it's been along time.
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Fat Freddy
Stormtrooper Of Pabst
Fat Freddy

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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2011 9:33 pm

Quote :
She was pissed at first because she thought I blew another pair of speakers.

I thought the same thing! Or maybe that the needle had snapped off and that horrible scraping noise was the sound of it cutting into the vinyl... then my brother started head banging to it and I was like "??? You mean, that's the band? Good Lord." Haha
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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 16, 2012 10:41 pm

Metal-On-Metal wrote:
I love extreme metal (except Black Metal), but this is just a band that I'd heard of before, but not actually heard.

I don't have the time to listen to those clips, but when I get the time I'll give it a whirl.

Hell, I like black metal now... and I still never checked out any Napalm Death. I'm going to have to fix that.
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PostSubject: Re: NAPALM DEATH   NAPALM DEATH I_icon_minitime

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