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 How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)?

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Join date : 2014-04-12

How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? Empty
PostSubject: How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)?   How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 12:16 am

Been going through something strange. Well, a couple of things actually. The biggest problem is indecision. I'm browsing my library or Spotify, trying to pick something to listen to, and just cannot pick something. If I finally do, after about a minute my brain tells me I need to pick something different or give something new a chance etc. I'll hop madly from Metal Church to Aerosmith to Hendrix to Iced Earth to the Stones to etc etc etc. I can't seem to be satisfied with any one choice. It's unprecedented; I've never had this problem. Have you?
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How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)?   How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 12:17 am

BTW there's a copy of this over at HOM as well.
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How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)?   How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 1:32 am

I'll usually go with something that I haven't listened to in a looooong time.
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Cagey Cretin

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How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)?   How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 2:33 pm

I go through it often enough and that's when I usually read but if I'm at work or whatever I always have sermons or audiobooks on my ipod. Sometimes I just get tired of hearing what people have to sing about so I move to instrumental.
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How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)?   How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 6:34 pm

I've got artists who are basically always in my rotation, and when I've got trouble finding something to listen to, I'll play one of them.

And if i'm in a rut musically, I'll just go on spotify and choose a random album playlist to listen to from a loooong while back. It's usually a good enough "blast from the past" to get me in the mood for different genres or whatever.
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How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)?   How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 11:02 pm

chewie wrote:
I'll usually go with something that I haven't listened to in a looooong time.

That's usually what I try. Hell, there are CD's I bought months ago that haven't been heard beyond one track.
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How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)?   How do you guys handle indecision (or do you)? I_icon_minitime

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