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 Peter Gabriel And Genesis Reuniting For A BBC Documentary

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Cagey Cretin

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Peter Gabriel And Genesis Reuniting For A BBC Documentary Empty
PostSubject: Peter Gabriel And Genesis Reuniting For A BBC Documentary   Peter Gabriel And Genesis Reuniting For A BBC Documentary I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2014 8:00 pm

For the first time since 1975, the classic lineup of Genesis, featuring vocalist Peter Gabriel, will reunite.

But it won't be the kind of reunion most fans are yearning for, but a brief reformation for a feature-length BBC 2 documentary "Genesis: Together and Apart," set to air later this year.

As Classic Rock reports, the show comes as a part of a new series of music programming on BBC, placing the inaugural BBC Music Awards in the limelight. The ceremony itself is set to take place at Earl's Court in London this December.

"Today's the start of something very special for everyone who loves music," said BBC Director General Tony Hall. "BBC Music is a celebration of the brilliant music talent across our country. We'll be joining up music on television, radio, iPlayer and online like never before. there'll be new shows; new partnerships; and whole new ways to support music on the BBC."

As the same source indicates, the BBC announcement hardly takes into consideration the footage featuring most of the classic band members on the 2008 DVD "The Genesis Songbook," or the classic lineup reunion for the 1999 "The Carpet Crawlers" re-recording on "Turn It on Again: The Hits Compilation."

However, the brief return will still likely spark a new glimpse of hope to actually see Peter Gabriel and Genesis working and/or touring together. Whether or not there's a chance yet remains to be seen.
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Peter Gabriel And Genesis Reuniting For A BBC Documentary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Peter Gabriel And Genesis Reuniting For A BBC Documentary   Peter Gabriel And Genesis Reuniting For A BBC Documentary I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 19, 2014 1:23 pm

Interesting news. I'm a huge Peter Gabriel fan, and to a lesser extent Genesis. I'd really be stoked if anything new came from this, but I'm not really expecting it.
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Peter Gabriel And Genesis Reuniting For A BBC Documentary
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