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 Savatage - what say you?

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Fat Freddy
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Fat Freddy
Stormtrooper Of Pabst
Fat Freddy

Posts : 1300
Join date : 2009-11-18
Age : 54
Location : West Milford, NJ

Savatage - what say you? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Savatage - what say you?   Savatage - what say you? - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2014 2:19 pm

corplhicks wrote:
I bought Fight for the Rock to check it out and complete my Oliva collection. Haven't heard it yet, but read the lyrics to the first song--good god, all of a sudden Stryper's Sing-Along Song seems like Robert Frost's work. Also, the thing comes with a Parental Advisory sticker and even the booklet says Explicit Lyrics--I read through them all and can't find anything the least offensive; not even a fucking swear word!

Back in 1986, having a Parental Advisory sticker on your record was supposed to up your "cool" factor with the kids and hopefully move more copies. The label probably put it on there in a last ditch attempt to sell the damn thing. Very Happy
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Join date : 2014-04-12

Savatage - what say you? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Savatage - what say you?   Savatage - what say you? - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2014 2:47 pm

Fat Freddy wrote:
corplhicks wrote:
I bought Fight for the Rock to check it out and complete my Oliva collection. Haven't heard it yet, but read the lyrics to the first song--good god, all of a sudden Stryper's Sing-Along Song seems like Robert Frost's work. Also, the thing comes with a Parental Advisory sticker and even the booklet says Explicit Lyrics--I read through them all and can't find anything the least offensive; not even a fucking swear word!

Back in 1986, having a Parental Advisory sticker on your record was supposed to up your "cool" factor with the kids and hopefully move more copies. The label probably put it on there in a last ditch attempt to sell the damn thing. Very Happy

I gotta admit, that sales tactic worked wonders with a kid like me.
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