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 I hate December...fucking holiday parties...

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The Subhuman

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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2014 12:26 am

December is the "month of hell" for me at work. Non-stop holiday parties, horrible karaoke, rude drunken assholes, demanding guest musicians, annoying MCs and every party has 20 last minute additions that nobody bothered to ask for in the 3 months since they booked the party.

Time for me to buy one of those THC vape pens....

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Cagey Cretin

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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2014 10:19 am

Sounds like where I work, especially the building I spent most of my 9 years at. Last minute requests, parties, set ups, tear downs, etc. We are more than just janitors we are maids, event staff, etc., everything we DON'T GET PAID FOR...

I hope December flies by for ya, Shawn.
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Fat Freddy
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Fat Freddy

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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 30, 2014 3:32 pm

Yeesh, that's rough. I can relate. Years ago when I worked at KMart, I was in the Seasonal Dept., which meant I was surrounded by Christmas Crap from the end of September right thru to the end of the year. By the time Christmas finally arrived I was so burnt out on it that I couldn't even enjoy the day.
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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2014 5:10 pm

I remember when Christmas time used to be so cool.
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The Subhuman

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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 06, 2014 11:28 pm

Tonight is day 6 in a row, averaging 10 hours per day. Still have to work another party tomorrow before finally getting 2 days off.

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Fat Freddy
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Fat Freddy

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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 24, 2014 8:28 am

Quote :
I remember when Christmas time used to be so cool. it's just a pain in the ass. Case in point:

My brother and Mom usually come up on Christmas Eve afternoon and spend the night. That way my bro and I can drink a shitload of beer in honor of my Dad (who passed away on Christmas Eve 1999) and we do the whole traditional Griswold family Christmas thing the next day.

Anyway, last night my brother calls me up and sez Mom is driving him fuckin nuts stressing out over the weather forecast for Christmas Eve day (which calls for heavy rain/wind/etc.) so he asks if we can bag it and if they can come up on Saturday instead. Mind you, we only live 25 miles apart so it's not like they have to travel to the Dark Side of the Fucking Moon or anything... but I have lived in my house since 1999 and my Mom still has to be chauffeured there by my brother cuz she's a directional retard, she has no clue how to get to my house... She's the kind of person who gets hopelessly lost if you stick her in a walk-in closet and spin her around three times.

Not to mention... it's only fucking RAIN for cryin' out loud, they're not calling for three feet of snow!! My Mom, as usual, was making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Anyway, I told him that the Saturday idea wasn't gonna fly cuz my wife starts working overnight shifts again the day after Christmas so she's gonna have to sleep during the day. He was not happy with that reply and starts rantin' and ravin' at me ...and I'd already had a pretty shitty day up to this point, so when he started grumpin' at me something snapped and I went off on him, haha. I know my Mom has never been the easiest person to live with, especially since my Dad passed, but I have absolutely had it with getting sucked into whatever psycho co-dependent bullshit these two have going on every fuckin year. I probably ripped into him harder than necessary but he's had it coming for a while, dammit.

I did call back later & apologize (at my wife's urging, not so much because I wanted to) so as it stands they may still come up later today, weather permitting, and if not then they'll come up for a few hours' visit tomorrow and do an abbreviated Xmas thang. Either way, my brother's probably still gonna be pissed at me, haha.

Sheesh. All I want for Christmas is a drink.
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Fat Freddy
Stormtrooper Of Pabst
Fat Freddy

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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 24, 2014 1:42 pm

Follow up: spoke to my Mom a little while ago and they're gonna come by tomorrow morning to spend Christmas day with us, so we will have no overnight guests for Christmas Eve for the first time in a long time. Woohoo. More beer for me. Very Happy

Merry Christmas y'all!
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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2014 8:07 pm

^^Amazing you had to go through with it. Man I have big-time issues with co-dependent people. Can't blame you for letting loose.

This Christmas [cliche warning] came too fast but this was the first year where I just did not feel festive. In fact, I'm really happy it's over. There were a lot of factors that played into it, like losing three clients and struggling to come up with rent on time, or getting a puppy at the worst possible time, or not being able to see one Christmas movie a night like we usually do (okay, that's not a huge complaint but we only saw TWO Christmas movies), and of course world issues have been downright depressing. And it wasn't a BAD Christmas at all; we had all the kids' shopping done months ago, they loved their gifts, my son who is autistic was wonderful the whole month, we actually had lights on the front of the house this year (I almost fell off the roof!), and I went conservative with decorations which I found to be very beneficial. But I dunno. I'm just getting old. I used to become this ten-year-old every time Christmas came around, a total Clark Griswold, and this month I just didn't care. My one enjoyable moment outside of Christmas morning was enjoying my pipe and mixer all by myself in my darkened living room watching Bob Hope Christmas specials. That was a fun night. I am getting old.

And now I can't wait to get all the decorations down and start this new year. I have a block month of work to do and have to job hunt at the same time, we need a new house desperately, a new car too, and the state of California just screwed us over regarding health insurance. All December has done is stalled progress with these events. Sorry to sound like a grinch, but I'm finally at that age where Christmas is no longer the big deal it used to be.
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Fat Freddy
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Fat Freddy

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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2014 10:36 am

(shrugs) Meh, sadly I've gotten used to it over the years. My brother has never been married, still lives @ home with Mom, works a shitty job (shittier than my job, even) and my Dad, who used to be the buffer between the two of them, has been gone for fifteen years now, so by now they got some serious fuckin issues. Haha.

I hear what you're sayin' about not having time for Christmas this year, either - my wife and I have had our share of shit goin' on both financial and emotional  so we hadn't even had time to think about the holidays ... then of course about three days prior we're like "Holy shit, it's Christmas!" Haha. I think we managed to pull it off even with such a short window of time to actually "get into" it.
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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 5:01 pm

It seems like 2014 Xmas was just not meant to be enjoyed. My Wife was being all Bah! Humbug! this year. We got a tree, but didn't decorate the outside of the house. It can't be good when I am the positive one.

It has been a tough year, though and it looks like it's been tough for everyone. Here's to 2015 being a great year and burying 2014 to just a long lost memory.
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Fat Freddy
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Fat Freddy

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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 7:51 pm

Yep, 2014 sucked. There were two deaths in the family, we had to put our beloved dog to sleep, and we had to replace two major appliances and one vehicle. I've had enough of this year, time to ditch it and move on!!
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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2014 2:02 pm

See, 2013 was such a horrible year for us with my Father in Law dying and such a morose holiday season that I was hopeful this year would be better, but it ended up being far worse with my business approaching collapse, my taxes killing me, my son losing his ABA therapy, I could go on. So 2015 HAS to be cool. Hoping that perhaps a career change might help a bit (plus my wife just scored a part-time job).

Anyway, my condolences for you and your family, Keith, and I hope your stresses lessen chewie.
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I hate December...fucking holiday parties... Empty
PostSubject: Re: I hate December...fucking holiday parties...   I hate December...fucking holiday parties... I_icon_minitime

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