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 Venom- Prime Evil

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Transmaniacon MC

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PostSubject: Venom- Prime Evil   Venom- Prime Evil I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 11:30 am

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Prime Evil (October 9th, 1989)

1. Prime Evil
2. Parasite
3. Blackened Are The Priests
4. Carnivorous
5. Skeletal Dance
6. Megalomania
7. Insane
8. Harder Than Ever
9. Into The Fire
10. School Daze
11. Live Like An Angel, Die Like A Devil (CD bonus)

Generally if you listen to troo kvlt Venom "fans" anything post Cronos gets SLAMMED into the ground, especially the releases with Demolition Man Dolan on vocals and bass. Well, fuck them. As I was searching through my LP's last night I came across this record and decided to give it another spin since I could barely remember it and was once again, totally blown away. This album is actually really technically impressive for Venom, and probably their best in that respect. With Dolan also contributing writing wise, we end up with an AWESOME thrash record here as opposed to the nasty black metal of the early days, not only showing that Venom was willing (and able) to take on their spawn but do a better job at it then most of them were at the time.

So how's Cronos' replacement you ask? EXCELLENT. Dolan's bass lines are much more precise (listen to the bass solo on Blackened Are The Priests), and actually in time which is a nice change. His vocals are really similar to Cronos' however, really dark raspy and menacing sounding still. Mantas himself, making his return here after leaveing for the awful Calm Before The Storm, is either a WAY more impressive guitar player than originally thought, or he got alot better at playing his guitar since Possessed because this record is not only full of chunky meaty riffs and some great melodies, but some really precise solos that just grab you by the ass and make you hungry for more. Abaddon however, is still his usually sloppy self, while it does sound like Mantas beat him over the head with a metronome long enough to keep him in time for the majority of the record. There's alot of places, especially the faster numbers, where he sounds like he's about to fall into pieces at any second trying to keep up. Also a nice touch here is the addition of rhythm guitarist Al Barnes, who gives the album a much fuller sound and has quite the heavy sound of his own. Another thing that really helps out here is the afore mentioned change in direction, focusing more on classic metal and NWOBHM as opposed to the punk influence of earlier albums not only helps them thrash you to hell, but adds several tasty pieces where you just want to headbang or air guitar along. There's plenty of intensity to be had here, and all of the songs are quite powerful & driving, and really on the record there isn't a bad song to be had. Even the Sabbath cover comes off excellent, most likely the best cover Venom has done. On the CD version, there is a bonus at the end, which is a re-recording of Live Like An Angel, Die Like A Devil which isn't too bad, but taking away the nastiness makes the song lose some of it's charm. Well, at least its a bonus and it sounds good. It's too bad this album isn't held in a higher regard, because this is easily in their top 3.

Killer tracks: Prime Evil, Parasite, Blackened Are The Priests, Carnivorous, Skeletal Dance, Into The Fire, School Daze (quite the awesome sequel to Teacher's Pet)

Last edited by DeathCult on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:41 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : changed my mind again)
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PostSubject: Re: Venom- Prime Evil   Venom- Prime Evil I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 11:34 am

I'm a big fan of this album (and all the Dolan albums). Somehow when Cronos left, the band could play. Just a seriously solid record. The Cronos solo albums are just as good, IMO.

I agree with your excellent review Greg except for this.

Quote :
because this is easily in their top 3.

I don't think it's THAT good.
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Transmaniacon MC

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PostSubject: Re: Venom- Prime Evil   Venom- Prime Evil I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 11:38 am

spectrefate wrote:
I'm a big fan of this album (and all the Dolan albums). Somehow when Cronos left, the band could play. Just a seriously solid record. The Cronos solo albums are just as good, IMO.

I agree with your excellent review Greg except for this.

Quote :
because this is easily in their top 3.

I don't think it's THAT good.

Personally, I think it easily beats Possessed into the ground. And really on a good day At War With Satan as well, mainly because while I love that record, its overly sloppy in a few places. But, you have to remember, this IS the newest Venom record I've heard. But, Im glad you like it as well Very Happy

Last edited by DeathCult on Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : changed mind)
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Venom- Prime Evil Empty
PostSubject: Re: Venom- Prime Evil   Venom- Prime Evil I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 11:52 am

You should really listen to the "Resurrection" album. It is seriously killer.
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PostSubject: Re: Venom- Prime Evil   Venom- Prime Evil I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2009 1:05 pm

I am huge fan of the 'Prime Evil' I have an emotional ( if one can have an emotional attachement to a Venom album!!!) to thoses early Venom albums but I also loved 'Prime Evil'

I agree with Spec, you should listen to 'Resurrection' excellent lader day venom release.

I prefer the original line up of Venom but this is an excellent album.
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The Subhuman

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PostSubject: Re: Venom- Prime Evil   Venom- Prime Evil I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2010 6:58 pm

I was pleasantly surprised how well this one has held up over the years. I think it's funny, I notice how closely the vocals are an imitation of Cronos now more than I did when this first came out. Solid album...although Mantis remains as clueless as always and Abaddon (bless him) still couldn't keep time in a room full of clocks.
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PostSubject: Re: Venom- Prime Evil   Venom- Prime Evil I_icon_minitime

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